Videos for Club Use
This library includes videos from Zone 33, Zone 34, and Rotary International, ideal for use in both conventional and virtual club meetings.
Hybrid Meetings “How-to” Videos and Training Material from D-5950 (link)
In-Person/Zoom Meeting Training, videos and guides. Small and Large Meeting Tech Set-up Videos and Support Documents. Equipment Buying Guide.
Membership 101 in a Box (pdf)
Here's a nice package for a DGE’s Pre-PETS and PETS Breakouts -- "Membership 101 in a Box",
intended to help incoming Governors and Membership Chairs in training Presidents-Elect and Club
Membership Chairs. Actually, it’s not a bad mid-year “remedial” program for clubs that have not gotten
off the blocks with new member attraction
Videos on Vimeo Available from Rotary International (link)
Rotary Videos on Vimeo
To access convention videos, please go to:
Zone 33 Membership Summit Library (link)
Link to all files, presentations, handouts, etc. used in Zone 33 Membership Summits. Browse for a folder for your own District or another. All files are downloadable for use in another Zone, District or Club.
Zones 33-34 Membership Action Plan (MAP) Page (link)
Zones 33-34 Membership Action Plan page - Videos from monthly Membership Action Plan (MAP) webinars, upcoming events and other valuable resources.
Discover Rotary Video Example – Forest Acres, SC (link)
Live example of the #1 Return-on-Investment Strategy for attracting members to a Rotary Club. Watch this, download the Recipe for a Successful Rotary Membership Event, and plan your event by the numbers. GUARANTEED to attract members to your club if done according to the Recipe.
Courageous Club Turnaround (link)
Entertaining video on the journey of one club from membership decline to membership growth, using the strategies promoted in Zone 33 Membership Summits. Worth the view.
DACdb CRM Introductory Video for DMCs and DCOs (link)
Video of setup and use of DACdb's CRM (Customer Relationship Management) feature. For district and club leaders, primarily Membership Chairs and others working with new member prospects
DACdb CRM Video (link)
Video overview of the DACdb Feature of 2019 -- CRM (Customer Relationship Management).
A tool for tracking prospective members from initial interest or RI Leads to Proposed Member
DACdb CRM Video for Club and District Users (link)
Overview and "how-to" video for users of DACdb's CRM (Customer Relationship Management) feature. Track and manage your prospective members effectively and collaboratively.
DACdb University — DACdb CRM Training VIdeo (link)
Video tutorial on the DACdb CRM Module. Track your club's prospects with communication tools, followup reminders, and collaborate with other Membership Committee members.
Demystifying DACdb Membership Data – Video (link)
"How-To" tutorial on using DACdb tools, including District Compare (L-6 and up), Member Compare and Club Officer Compare to reconcile DACdb records with Rotary International's
Discover Rotary Explained (link)
This is both an explanation and an example of a Rotary Information Hour (Discover Rotary) session. Sandy Olson, D-7750 District Membership Chair and Discover Rotary Evangelist, gives an overview of what a Discover Rotary session looks like, interspersed with "how-to" ideas and instructions. Sandy's full slide set and Discover Rotary script are available by searching on "Discover" on
District Membership Chair Success Principles – Video Interview (link)
An interview with John Yermack, DMC of D-7670 (Western NC), whose District is experiencing record membership growth in 2018-19. Learn what's worked for John and D-7670.
Extreme Makeover – Monroe, NC (link)
Two co-presidents became the "new Sheriffs in town" for the Rotary Club of Monroe, NC. Realizing that their club was in chronic membership decline, they set about gettng back on the membership growth track. They created a playbook from the Membership Action Plan, using recommended strategies, the Recipe for Changing Club Culture, and the "Courageous Club Turnaround" video from Guilford, NC. Remarkable results, and surely worth your time to watch.
IMPACT Clubs – Creating Powerhouse Growth Video (link)
Excellent overview of the IMPACT club model, recorded at a breakout session at the 2022 RI Convention in Houston. An IMPACT club is another Innovative Club model - a "Service-Only" version of a Satellite club. It's an extension of your Rotary club, populated by members interested only in service project participation. No meeting, no meal. IMPACT members can also attend Host club meetings when they can, or attend Hybrid meetings virtually if offered by the Host club. This is WELL WORTH the time to watch it.
If You Don’t Have a Growth Strategy, You’re Shrinking (link)
Many Rotary clubs say, "We're just the right size." They have no interest in growing. Trouble is, most clubs that say that are slowly leaking 1-2 members per year, steadily getting smaller. Why? Have a look at this provocative video to learn the answer.
Jacksonville Club Membership Strategy (link)
Zone 34 Large clubs recorded session of Jacksonville Club President Jim Agee sharing their strategy to turn around the club's membership decline. Learn their key decisions and continuing strategies to create a growing, vibrant, traditional legacy club. Rotary Coordinator Mike Darragh provides context and introduction of Jim. 27 minutes of presentation followed by 15 minutes of Q&A.
MAP Membership Success Center Video Guided Tours (link)
Take a video guided tour of the MAP Membership Success Center. Membership Goal Setting, Membership Progress Dashboards, Member Satisfaction Surveys and several reports for Club, District and Zone leaders.
Meet the Rotary Club of Safety Harbor (FL) Noon (link)
Innovation brings Energy to Rotary! Meet President Eric Johnson and the Rotary Club of Safety Harbor Noon who had a chat with ICA George Robertson-Burnett at the Z34 DMC/ICA October Call about their newly-chartered club. Look in on a a High-Energy, Innovative Rotary Club. Non-conventional format, non-conventional leadership. Extraordinary result
RI Directors’ All Calls (link)
RI Directors in Zones 33-34 host an update call following each RI Board meeting. Dates are posted on the Zone calendar, and all past, present and future District Governors receive an email invitation.
Rotary Membership Anytown Video (link)
Short video explaining Rotary's need to offer a more flexible club experience for those who may not be able to accommodate a "legacy" Rotary club's meeting days, times, places or durations.
Why I Shouldn’t be in Rotary (link)
Is your club irresistible to new members? Or is it RESISTANT to new members? Some clubs seem to go out of their way to put roadblocks in front of guests and new members. Here's a short video, with a first-person account of his experience attempting (and finally succeeding) to join a Resistant Rotary club. Search on "irresistible" for some ideas on how to avoid such pitfalls..
Zone 33/34 TV – Video Library (link)
Library of videos on Membership, PI/PR, Foundation - both informational and training
Zones 33/34 Public Image Video Library (link)
Every month the Zones 33/34 Public Image Team hosts a webinar on a timely and relevant subject. These webinars provide ideas, strategies and tips that can be used by everyone interested in telling Rotary’s story.
The Four-Way Test
Of the things we think, say, or do:
1. Is it the TRUTH?
2. Is it FAIR to all concerned?
3. Will it build GOODWILL and
4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?
The Four-Way Test
Of the things we think, say, or do:
1. Is it the TRUTH?
2. Is it FAIR to all concerned?
4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?
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