The Foundation Matters Webinars are a series that is designed to provide you – our club and district leaders – with skills and strategies that will help you create a culture of support for Our Rotary Foundation. That culture of support will allow your club and district to excel in both financial support of Our Rotary Foundation and maximize the humanitarian impact you can achieve through the programs of Our Foundation.

Each month, our Foundation Regional Action Plan team will produce a webinar that provides skills that are practical, bite-sized, and immediately actionable. When you put what you learn in these webinars into action, you will increase your support of Our Rotary Foundation, both through donations and in lives that are improved.

Often, the proven skills shared in the Foundation Matters webinars will be presented by club leaders who have already field tested them with success. That’s why we say that the Foundation Matters webinar series is By Rotarians, for Rotarians.

The Rotary Foundation started in 1917, so it now has over a century of improving lives across the globe. The Foundation fulfills its motto of Doing Good in the World through a variety of projects that provide education, clean water, and economic opportunities to communities with demonstrated needs. The Foundation also operates the world’s premier Peace Studies program in seven countries spread across five continents.

We’re excited that you have joined us because it means that you want to learn more about the power of Our Rotary Foundation and how to enhance the way your club and district support our Foundation.

So, we hope that you will join us for each month’s webinar to learn new approaches to making your club’s support of The Rotary Foundation as robust as it can be. And as you experience success in creating a culture of support for The Rotary Foundation in your club, we may even give you a chance to brag about your success in a future webinar!

Patrick Eakes
Rotary International Director 2024-2026
Rotary Zones 33/34


If you missed one of our monthly Zoom webinars, don’t worry! Here are the recordings of the Zones 33/34 Foundation Matters webinars. Each segment is about 45 minutes. Please select the video on the topic of your choice. To watch it in full screen, simply click the “Full Screen” icon at the bottom right corner of the video.


To complete the January Zones 33/34 Foundation Matters task, please enter your monthly action items at the following link:

To complete the December Zones 33/34 Foundation Matters task, please enter your monthly action items at the following link:

To complete the November Zones 33/34 Foundation Matters task, please enter your monthly action items at the following link:

To complete the October Zones 33/34 Foundation Matters task, please enter your monthly action items at the following link:

To complete the September Zones 33/34 Foundation Matters task, please enter your monthly action items at the following link:

To complete the August Zones 33/34 Foundation Matters task, please enter your monthly action items at the following link:





TRF Zone 33 Team

Click on the card for details.

TRF Zone 33 Contact Card 2024-25

TRF Zone 34 Team

Click on the card for details.

TRF Zone 34 Team 2024-2025

Foundation Matters Webinars

Upcoming Virtual Event Dates

3rd Thursday of each month
6:00-6:45 PM EDT

Register HERE for the 2025 Foundation Matters Webinars

(Register once with link above):

February 20, 2025
March 20, 2025,
April 17, 2025
May 15, 2025
June 19, 2025


The Four-Way Test

Of the things we think, say, or do:
1. Is it the TRUTH?

2. Is it FAIR to all concerned?

3. Will it build GOODWILL and

4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?

The Four-Way Test

Of the things we think, say, or do:

1. Is it the TRUTH?

2. Is it FAIR to all concerned?


4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?

Rotary International Zones 33/34 Foundation is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. EIN 81-3880345

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